Charging revolution and accelerate progress!

In the era of new energy trams that embrace environmental protection and technological innovation, it provides EV owners with convenient and efficient charging and modification solutions.


Home charging pile-Yinhexing – 22kw, 10 meters


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Telsa 家用充電樁-銀河星,搭載7kw、11kw、22kw多檔額定功率,采用(AC)交流電充電技術,爲您的電動車提供高效、安全的充電服務。防水防漏電設計,智能預約功能,手機APP實時查看充電狀态,刷卡即充,一切盡在掌握。簡約外觀,強大功能,銀河星讓充電更便捷,爲您的未來出行注入新能量。

Fast shipping worldwide

Shipping within 72 hours of order placement

Telsa EV quality product

Good quality charging piles and Telsa modification accessories

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